City lead the way in Sugar Smart Exeter

The Grecians are the first organisation to make Sugar Smart pledges in Exeter

Sugar Smart Exeter is an ambitious campaign to encourage the community to come together and tackle the amount of sugar people in Exeter consume. 

The project is a local version of Sugar Smart UK - led nationally by the Jamie Oliver Food Foundation and Sustain, who are supporting the Exeter Food Network to deliver the campaign in the city.

The initiative aims to encourage organisations to take Sugar Smart pledges to reduce unhealthy food and drink, particularly those high in ‘free’ sugar and promote more healthy alternatives.

The recommended daily intake of free sugar is a maximum of 7 teaspoons for adults and a maximum of 5-6 teaspoons for children.  However, on average adults are currently eating twice this amount and children eating three times as much.

Exeter City Football Club is leading the way in this initiative and were the first organisation to make Sugar Smart pledges in Exeter. Some of their pledges include stocking healthier food and drink in their outlets, reducing sugary food and drinks, introducing Sugar Smart education for children, and funding healthy living activities as part of their Football in the Community Children’s Challenge.
The Sugar Smart Exeter team attended the Exeter City match against Yeovil Town to talk to fans about sugar and raise awareness of the risk eating high amounts of sugar brings to our health.

Julian Tagg, Exeter City Football Club chairman said: “We are proud to be part of Sugar Smart Exeter and be the first to pledge in the city.

“Many fans were enthused by the campaign and filled out the Sugar Smart Exeter survey to have their say on how they think the city can support healthier eating.

Ruby King, Sugar Smart Lead for Devon County Council’s Public Health team said:  “It’s important to make it clear that the campaign is about the city getting Sugar Smart, not sugar free.

“We’ve been very pleased with the positive response from local organisations, who have really got behind the campaign to start improving our food in the city.  Our aim is to help people make the healthy choice, the easy choice, not to take away people’s options.”

Organisations interested in taking action can visit for more information or get in contact with Ruby King at

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