Old Grandstand commemorative prints now available

Prints available from the club shop and online

In advance of today’s announcement that the stadium redevelopment project will go ahead this summer, the club commissioned a painting commemorating the last scheduled league match taking place at St James Park before demolition of the Old Grandstand, sponsored by Stagecoach.

The painting was produced by renowned stadium portrait artist Paul Town, and shows a view of the Old Grandstand as seen from the Big Bank.

A run of 250 limited edition prints are now available to buy from the club shop at St James Park, or online at: http://shop.exetercityfc.co.uk.

Standard prints are priced at just £15 and are numbered and signed by the artist and can be found here.

Framed prints are available for pre-order at £25 and can be purchased here. Premium prints numbered 1 to 30 are available framed, and signed by the first-team and management for £60, which includes a certificate of authentication. (Please note framed prints are available for collection only).

You can find out more about Stadium Portraits here: http://www.stadiumportraits.com