Redevelopment update: September 18

The state of play with the St James Park redevelopment on Monday, September 18.

Work is continuing amongst a number of areas here at St James Park as part of the redevelopment project. As always, full checks are put in place to ensure that the stadium is fully prepared for matchdays.

IP Office Main Stand:

New doors have been installed for the new changing rooms in the IP Office Main Stand, work continues to progress on all fronts with the installation.

A boiler system has been installed in the plant room, which will provide heating and hot water for the changing rooms.

Away End:

Wring demolition have returned to site to continue excavating the away terrace and the corner of Well Street.

An 18-metre floodlight column has be installed in a temporary location at the end of the away end, in readiness to provide temporary floodlights when the Old Grandstand is removed.

Finally, a temporary location for the groundstaff!