Scarves for City at Forest Green

City fans are regularly praised for their noisy, passionate support and backing of the Grecians both at home and on the road. Singing and drumming, no matter the weather, backed up with flags banners for visual impact.

When a group of fans discoved that both flags and drums would not be permitted at the New Lawn they thought quickly about another way to show their support and be noticed, coming up with the idea of scalves for City.

These enterprising supporters called for City fans to turn the New Lawn RED by wearing one, if not two scarves at the match, with the idea being backed up by Devon Live and Radio Exe.

40 unsold Wembley scarves were taken to the match to give to supporters who came without, and thanks to their generosity in donating loose change, a total of £79.09 was raised for the club.

Thank you to everyone who helped to make this happen, and for your continued great support in following the Grecians both home and away.