Alan scoops big in final Foundation draw of 2017

2017’s last BIG winner in the Exeter City Foundation’s monthly draw for the considerable sum of £1,000 was Alan Taylor.

The Foundation were unable to get hold of Alan at the beginning of the month – a combination of out-of-date email address and phone messages going astray – so when he heard of his winnings over the Christmas period he was absolutely delighted!

Alan has been a City supporter all his life. Whilst he was working he found it difficult to get to games regularly, but now he’s retired he watches most of the matches from his usual place on the Thatchers' Big Bank.

His favourite memory of the Grecians is that goal-less afternoon at Old Trafford a decade or more ago, as it is for many. He is planning to put the money he’s won towards a new car, which sounds sensible.

The Exeter City Foundation is a great deal, particularly for those who are regular supporters of the club. For just £10 per month, members are entitled to a range of prizes and, if a season ticket holder, the additional benefit of cash back or a voucher for the ECFC Shop.

The City Foundation draw runs throughout the year, and overall there are sixty-seven prizes – of which sixty-four are cash prizes – all of which means that members have a GREAT chance of winning, all winners are Exeter City supporters and net proceeds go to good causes at the club.

If you want to join then fill in a form at Reception, join on-line through or contact the Foundation administrator at: