Redevelopment update from the club board: March 29

The new Stagecoach stand at St James Park will begin to take significant shape in the next few weeks.

The preparation groundworks of the £3.4 million development are largely complete and the delivery and erection of the steelwork will start in the second week of April.

The project, which is in its 46th week, remains on schedule despite the recent bouts of cold weather, some consequential plant breakdowns and demand problems which slowed progress on the concrete works.

It has been estimated that this has caused the loss of approximately eight days to that element of the programme. However, good progress has been achieved on both the foul and storm drainage to the new grandstand.

A spokesman for the club said: "Fans will see a real difference in the coming weeks as the steel frame will begin to be erected. The frame and precast units that provide the seat terracing will be constructed in three phases with a target completion date of May 21.

"We are very pleased with the progress of the whole project and are currently on schedule to complete the development in late summer-early autumn."

A recent planning application from the student accommodation developers GSA to increase the number of beds by 26 in their development next to the ground was recently turned down by planners. This will not impact in any way on the football stadium project.

Please click here for FAQs on the SJP Redevelopment.