📝 Ian Lewis scoops December's big Foundation prize

This month’s winner of the BIG Foundation prize of £1,000, indeed the last winner of the decade, was Ian Lewis, seen in our photo receiving his prize from City's operations manager Andy Gillard at a very damp looking SJP during City's match against Walsall.

Ian has no specific plans for the money, but the timing, just before Christmas is perfect! 

He has supported the Grecians for nearly 50 years after attending his first game with some friends from College. Favourite players over the years include Peter Hatch, Steve Flack and of course Adam Stansfield.

Regarding matches that stick in the memory, in Ian’s words: "My most memorable game has got to be the trip to Old Trafford when we won nil-nil." Good one Ian, enjoy your winnings.

Yuletide greetings to all Foundation members, thanks for supporting the scheme, please encourage friends, relations and others to join up – it’s a great deal - details below!

About the Exeter City Foundation

The Exeter City Foundation is a great deal, particularly for those who are regular supporters of the club. For just £10 per month, members are entitled to a range of prizes and, if a season ticket holder, the additional benefit of cash back or a voucher for the ECFC Shop.

The City Foundation draw runs throughout the year, and overall there are sixty-seven prizes – of which sixty-four are cash prizes – all of which means that members have a GREAT chance of winning, all winners are Exeter City supporters and net proceeds go to good causes at the club.

If you want to join then fill in a form at Reception, join online by clicking here, or by contacting the Foundation administrator at Richard.horne@ecfc.co.uk