⭐️ STARS fundraising total nears £8000

We're now halfway through the season long STARS campaign that aims to raise funds for the Exeter City Academy.

Thank you to everyone that has continued to be so generous with donations.

Since the last draw you've supported STARS by donating online or by putting your small change into 
collection tins at SJP, by increasing your Trust subs, by buying autographed academy postcards
and Santa badges and by buying raffle tickets at our recent Forum.

All of this has increased the running total to £7850.

The Trust's next STARS fund raiser is the Supporters' Dinner on Tuesday, January 28. There are just 20 places remaining, so act quick to make sure you don't miss out! 

The latest STARS draw saw Alan Newcombe and Venetia Self win matchday
hospitality at SJP in the near future.

Venetia decided to supports STARS because: "The Academy is at the heart of our football club, it sets us way ahead of other clubs and we must not
take it for granted.

"By supporting the academy now we are securing our future success. Players like George Friend, Ollie Watkins and Matt Grimes have gone on to bigger clubs earning us
much needed income.

"Look at the number of players in our current squad who have come through the academy and are now
repaying all those years of nurturing they have received by performing in the first team, it's a no-brainer for me, I'm very happy to support STARS."

The next update and donor's draw will be held on January 3, 2020, so let's start 2020 with £8000!

The STARS campaign aims to support the future stars of Exeter City Football Club, and help the academy reach even greater heights. Please click here to find out more on how you can get involved!

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