📝 City Foundation - 2020 winners and update

The Exeter City Foundation will continue to function during April.

The draw for April will take place shortly, to identify our monthly winner of £1,000 and weekly £100 winners for weeks 14 - 17 inclusive.

Eligible members will be those who have paid their monthly subscriptions in March (and of course our annual and quarterly payers). Unfortunately we won’t be doing the presentation on the pitch for our monthly winner, for obvious reasons.

Foundation winners for January, February and March this year are as follows:

January 2020

Monthly winner £1,000 - Andrew Bainborough #357

Weekly winners, £100:

  • 01 - Myra Skinner #187
  • 02 - David Coard #323
  • 03 - Martin Lake #002
  • 04 - Paul West #080

February 2020

Monthly winner £1,000 - David Henley, #226

Weekly winners, £100:

  • 05 - Alan Jenkins #131
  • 06 - James May #572
  • 07 - Ric Hutton #247
  • 08 - Patrick Wood #140
  • 09 - John Tinker #210

March 2020

Monthly winner £1,000 - Pete Cousins, £185

Weekly winners, £100:

  • 10 - Alan Land #130
  • 11 - Andrew Hattersley #195 *
  • 12 - Charles Welchman #374 *
  • 13 - Clive Harrison #415 *

 * payment in process

Payments to prize winners from now on will be via the internet only - the Foundation Administrator will contact winners where our Bank does not have account details.

Finally, apologies to two 'money can’t buy' prize winners:

  • Mike Chown, #567, we finally had a date for watching the 1st team training in early March, only to be thwarted by the closure of the Cliff Hill facility.
  • Clive Davis, #281, was due to watch the Morecambe match on Good Friday from the Press Box alongside City’s media team. Sometime next season, we hope.