πŸ’¬ Clive Watts: "While it may be frustrating, it is without doubt the right decision made in the current situation."

The National League has once again come to a halt, further casting doubts over how the League Campaign will reach a completion for a second consecutive season.

With half of the games played in the 2019/2020 Season, the decision was taken to null and void the campaign leaving City in third position. With the 2020/2021 Season scheduled to finish at the end of April, and with some sides having completed as little as three of their twenty two fixtures, the race to finish this Season will be a complex one, largely dependent on how long the current restrictions last.

City are having a good season, an exciting FA Cup run has been the focus of recent months, and the team were no doubt looking to gather momentum in the National League with the start to a New Year. Faced with a run of fixtures against sides that are in a similar position in the League Table to the Grecians, January and February looked crucial months.  The Team played a meagre seventeen fixtures in the whole of 2020 and it will now be another frustrating spell of non action whilst trying to keep fitness levels ready for a return to the league campaign.

Clive Watts and his team are familiar with the Lockdown process and preparations have already begun. β€œWhile it may be frustrating, it is without doubt the right decision made in the current situation. We're already planning online fitness sessions for the squad so that we can be in the best possible place for when the season hopefully resumes. All we can do is keep our fingers crossed.”

It is hoped all efforts will be made to fulfil the fixtures for the rest of the campaign and the Team can get back to playing soon. For now, attention turns away from football and everyone hopes that the current restrictions will have the desired effect and help lead towards better days.

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