💰 Kevin Bamsey scoops BIG November Foundation prize

November’s winner of the Foundation’s monthly BIG prize of £1,000 is Kevin Bamsey, seen in our picture here alongside Club Secretary Andy Gilard at the recent home match vs Oldham.

Kevin is a long time supporter and a season ticket holder on the Big Bank, for nearly 20 years now. His first match - which he remembers vividly - was a 4-2 win against Torquay, all the way back in 1974.

Favourite players over the years are all from a previous generation - Tony Kellow, Scott Hiley and Steve Neville - nothing wrong with that! Favourite matches are, of course, the goalless draw at Old Trafford in the 3rd round of the Cup, the back-to-back promotions of the early Paul Tisdale era and, further back, the 1981 cup run.


The Exeter City Foundation is a great deal, especially for City supporters. Being in the draw makes you eligible for 64 cash prizes throughout the year. Members who are season ticket holders have the additional benefit of the end-of-season benefit of cash back or a voucher for the ECFC Shop. With current restrictions you can only join online – see link - and prizes are paid direct to winners’ bank accounts. For further information, please contact Foundation Administrator Richard Horne at foundation@ecfc.co.uk

Congratulations, Kevin!