📝 Nigel Cowley scoops January's BIG Foundation Prize

First out of the hat for 2022 for the Exeter City Foundation’s BIG £1,000 prize for January is Nigel Cowley.

Nigel is the carer for some elderly relatives and is minimising his contact with others, so unfortunately will not be able to receive his prize on the pitch at half time on Saturday. However Nigel has a great story of supporting the Grecians over the years, please read on:

"I have supported City for over 50 years, as a kid my Nan used to live in St James so would take me for the last 15 minutes onto the Big Bank when the gates were opened!! Loved it and have never supported any other team.

"My favourite players there are many but certainly: Lammie Robertson, Steve 'The Weave' Neville, Darren Rowbotham and of course more recently Ollie Watkins. Two stand out games are the Newcastle victory in the FA Cup back in the 80s and the 0-0 draw at Man United, what a day that was! I remember queuing for over five hours to get the tickets but made many new friends in that time! Obviously any game when we beat Argyle is also a favourite, especially the 4-0 thrashing we handed out a couple of seasons ago.

"Regarding the money, my Grandson will soon be two years old, so will be investing in a city shirt for him! Its also my wife’s birthday on the same day as his, but not sure that she wants a City shirt!

"Once again thanks so much, I will continue to support City and look forward to when I can resume my place on the Big Bank.”

About the Foundation

The Exeter City Foundation is a great deal, especially for City supporters. Being in the draw makes you eligible for for 67 prizes throughout the year, of which 64 are cash prizes. Members who are season ticket holders have the additional benefit of the end-of-season benefit of cash back or a voucher for the ECFC Shop. With current restrictions you can only join on-line – see link - and prizes are paid direct to winners’ bank accounts.

For further information, please contact Foundation Administrator Richard Horne at foundation@ecfc.co.uk