💬 Gary Caldwell reacts to loss at Oxford

Gary gave his thoughts following City's heavy loss away to Oxford United in the second round of the FA Cup.

A goal early on in the first half and three quick goals late in the second half from Oxford, led to back to back defeats for Caldwell for the first time.

"Yeah, we weren’t good enough right from the start of the game," he said.

"First half we just didn’t get going and I felt that there were opportunities to play, and we didn’t take them. Second half I thought we were better, early part of the second half especially, but again to easy to score goals against us.

“I have no problems whatsoever with the first goal it happens, but what I do have a problem with is when don’t try and implement what we’re working on.

Regarding Jamal, “I feel for him, he was superb today, as was Jake Caprice and Nombe, I think they can be proud of their performances they gave everything and did what was asked of them. Unfortunately, they were a small number, as too many players were off it today."

Hear more from Gary 👇