💬 Kevin Nicholson on being appointed assistant manager

Kevin Nicholson has spoken on how delighted he is to have been named Gary Caldwell's permanent assistant at Exeter City.

Kevin, who was in interim charge of the Grecians after the departure of Matt Taylor six weeks ago, took the role of interim assitant to Gary Caldwell for his first few weeks at the club and now the position has been made permanent.

"It was an easy decision to make. I really enjoyed my stint as caretaker as I really got to know the players well in a short period of time." said Kevin on the new role.

"We had some good experiences and some not so good experiences and a lot of excitement in a short space of time. 

Kevin has been really impressed by Gary's start as manager and his ethos as a manager: "Gary has come in and taken me under his wing and made sure he's picked my brains to get to know the players as soon as possible and to get to know the club and the link with the Academy.

"The biggest thing for me, really early on is that you know Gary is a really good person. He is authentic in how he goes about things. We struck up an early rapport and I know it wasn't really the plan when we started but when the first couple of weeks went by Gary became aware that we were working well together.

"I was really comfrotable in the ideas of what he wanted to bring to the club and how that will develop, evolve and help the youth coming through. He's still got an eye on making sure we continue to develop our own and bring the kids through the academy.

"I thought what better positon for me to be in where I get to help the first team and have a big influence and say on the boys in the academy coming through."

Hear more from Nicho ⬇️