📝 Kit out the Cliff fundraising reaches over £55,500!

The Kit out the Cliff, fundraising campaign has now reached an incredible £55,540! Thank you all for such tremendous support.

A special mention goes to two supporters living in the Midlands for their generous donations, and to two Exeter City Foundation prize winners who have passed on their winnings to Kit Out the Cliff.

And of course to all supporters who continue to donate at newtickets.ecfc.co.uk/donations. We're getting closer and closer to our target of £60,000!

Remember in March we started with a long shopping list? There is now just one item left on the list which is Shelving. This covers a multitude of storage requirements, in all areas of the building.

The building continues to evolve and very soon we'll actually be using some of the Kit out the Cliff funds to buy some of the necessary items - another milestone in our campaign!

As always we will use your donations carefully and wisely to get the best outcome for the Club.

Thank you Grecians, you are the best!

How to Donate

You can contribute in the following ways:

By bank transfer to:

ECFCST Light up the Park
Sort Code:  30.80.37
Account number 10751963

By going to: newtickets.ecfc.co.uk/donations