💬 Ben Watson on Devon Bowl tie with Crediton

A young Grecians side will head to Crediton United in the Devon St Luke's Bowl on Wednesday evening, and City Community Trust's Ben Watson has a foot in both camps.

'Watto' - alongside his work as a School Sport and Coach Development Officer - is the joint manager at Crediton United and will be on the sidelines at Lords Meadow on Wednesday. 

"I'm very much looking forward to the game in a prestigious competition for local football, and it's a great draw to have a team like Exeter City, it's a great occasion for the club," he said.

"Working for the CCT for the last 12 years, and being a former player, it was a great tie for me personally too!

"I'm sure it'll be a very good match up on Wednesday evening, with a lot of players that will be familiar to City fans."

Hear more from Watto ⬇️