📝 Help shape our Supporter/Customer Charter

Once again Exeter City and the Supporters Trust invite you to take part in the annual review of our Supporter/Customer Charter.

This is the 10th year we have asked for your contribution in what has become a key engagement opportunity.

There will be no Supporter Experience Review this year. This will be replaced by formation of another Supporter Experience Roundtable later in the close season. This does not preclude you from mentioning any supporter experience concerns as part of the Charter Review. Also new this season will be a Fan Engagement Plan and details of the new initiative will follow in due course.

The charter is an important document designed to inform and strengthen the engagement and understanding between the Football Club and supporters as well as the wider community we serve.

Supporter engagement in reviewing our Charter is vital to help you, help us, to be the best that we can be and enjoy an equitable and agreeable relationship.  The club continually looks for ways of working in consultation with supporters, customers and the community in order to maintain the highest standards of performance and delivery in an equality environment.

We hope that by annually allowing our supporters to participate and have their say on the way they are looked after, it will ensure that the club continues to represent supporters and the Greater Exeter area in a unified way with pride on a local, national and international stage.

The club is committed to striving to provide an excellent service for all its supporters and stakeholders. We always welcome constructive input from supporters regarding customer improvement and satisfaction. We value customer feedback on both positive and negative aspects of our business and activities.

Our charter is a living document and suggestions/changes can be made at any time. We would, however, for the Charter 24/25 season, request recommendations by Monday 10 June 2024 if possible.

Please click here to view the current customer charter.

By far the most popular route for making recommendations has always been email. In recent seasons we have also used zoom as our open meeting platform to provide supporters with an extra opportunity for face to face engagement.

Supporters can make suggestions via email to: customerservices@exetercityfc.co.uk. We hope this this will continue to be the primary and most convenient means of contact. Alternatively, letters can be sent to Customer Services, ECFC, St James Park, Stadium Way Exeter EX4 6PX.

Finally, for those who want to make a personal suggestion please join our Zoom Charter consultation on Tuesday, 11 June 2024 at 6:30pm. Joining details can be requested from customerservices@exetercityfc.co.uk.

Thank you very much for your support and interest in Exeter City which is really appreciated.