Late opening for tickets on Tues & Thurs

Extended hours to get tickets for the Devon Derby

The main Reception at St James’ Park will be opening until 7pm on Tuesday (11th) and Thursday (13th) for supporters to get their tickets for the Plymouth Argyle match on Saturday (kick-off 12pm).

The Devon Derby is ALL TICKET, meaning that fans will not be able to buy tickets on the day.  Bearing this in mind, we are opening late on Tuesday and Thursday to give supporters further opportunities to get hold of tickets.  We recognise that many fans may find it difficult to get to the club during working hours so hopefully these extended opening hours will provide an extra chance for fans to get hold of tickets.  The club shop will also be open until 7pm on Thursday.

Approximately 7000 tickets have been sold so far, so there are still plenty left to purchase.  There are also a very limited number of tickets to see Torquay v Exeter at Plainmoor on December 22nd.

Tickets for both matches are only available to Known Supporters.  If you are not yet a known supporter, you can fill in a slip with your details at Reception with you ID to be added to our database, and purchase a ticket immediately.

We would also appreciate it if fans could ensure their friends and family are aware that the game is all ticket in case they don’t realise, as we wish to avoid disappointing people at the turnstiles on Saturday.