Vospers help Exeter City youth academy

Car dealership helping to drive things forward

Exeter City's Youth Academy has received great support from Vospers, the South West’s largest car and commercial dealership group.

David Evans, who heads up the commercial activities of the Youth Academy, is now the proud driver of a brand new vehicle supplied by the Exeter branch of Vospers and is pictured above collecting the key from Paul Matthews, the senior executive of the group who arranged the sponsorship.  

“We want to support the Exeter City Youth Academy,” said Paul.  “Exeter City Football Club is such a force for good in the community and with its very special community ownership model, it just makes so much sense for a brand like Vospers to be involved and help them with the work they do.

“The Youth Academy represents the future for Exeter City and we look forward to being even closer now with the club and its fans.”

As for David Evans he just wants driving things forward, with the help of Vospers!