Back to bootcamp: in tweets

First week back to training for the lads

Exeter City returned to training this week – and it hasn’t been a soft, ‘back to school’ type return, thanks to first-team physio Andy Proctor!

Andy announced his intentions on Twitter last Sunday, without revealing too much about what he had in store…

And he took pleasure in their pain as their speed and fitness were measured – including the yo-yo test… 

But the boys have returned in good shape and are raring to go this season.  #hardworkpaysoff

Although Captain Coles has a few questions about whether the ice bath is beneficial, or designed to cause more pain.

Stuart James from the Western Morning News took some time out to speak to Andy Proctor about the work he’d set the lads for off-season and the first week back.

Follow @OfficialECFC for all the latest Exeter City news.