Baldwin’s Brazil Blog – Day 10

A day of cancelled plans

We had a day off today so it was a nice and chilled one with a lovely lay in and a few hours in Rio to do as we pleased.

We were dropped off by the coach at an up market shopping centre and it was up to us what we wanted to do.

The original plan was to visit probably the most iconic figure in Brazil- Christ the Redeemer, but due to the overcast weather, that was cancelled.

Once we were dropped off, a few of us decided to try and go there anyway in hoping that there would be a break in the clouds.  No such luck!  The closer we got in the taxi, the more cloudy it got.  On arrival, a guide informed us that there was zero visibility up the mountain so we decided against going up.

That’s when Plan B came into action.  We had discussed that we would try to visit the Maracana stadium if we had a chance so now was the perfect moment.  We couldn't come all this way and not visit the spiritual home of football.

Well we could.  We got there only to find that it had yet been handed back to the Brazilian FA by Fifa and so was still closed to the public.

Two things I was desperate to see were complete write-offs!  Never mind, I will just have to come back one day.

With a double training session tomorrow, it was back nice and early to the Fluminense Academy for an early night.