Christopher scoops July's foundation big money prize

Christopher Knee wins July's foundation prize of £1000

As we are currently out of season, we weren’t able to present Chris with his prize on the pitch, so we did the next best thing and involved the 'Gaffer' himself, or at least, the cardboard cut-out in Red Square.

Chris has been supporting the Grecians since he was 4 years old and, still goes with his dad who is now 87 (also pictured).

He has great memories of watching the City, which include going to Old Trafford, the Wembley play-offs and also Lincoln City, when City won 5-1 on the final day of the seasonm and the fourth division championship.

Chris has big plans for his winnings, including a cruise to Malta and Italy in September. He said "A meal and drinks in Venice would be nice as it will be our 10th wedding anniversary, also I might treat myself to a new laptop or tablet”.

The Exeter City Foundation is a great deal, particularly for those who are regular supporters of the club.

For just £10 per month, members are entitled to a range of prizes and, if a season ticket holder, the additional benefit of cash back or a voucher for the City Shop.The City Foundation draw runs throughout the year, and overall there are sixty-seven prizes – of which sixty-four are cash prizes – all of which means that members have a GREAT chance of winning, all winners are Exeter City supporters and net proceeds go to good causes at the Club.

If you want to join then fill in a form at Reception, join on-line through or contact the Foundation administrator at