📝 Cans for City scheme still running

The Cans for City scheme has been running, in its present form, for the last six years and so far, has raised approx. £1000 which has gone towards funding small projects related to ECFC.

The club now has a new outlet for the aluminium drinks cans which will be paying us a substantially increased amount per-kilo for cans.
If you have not been in a position to buy a Season Ticket for 2020/21 or support ECFC in any other way, then here is a way you can still support ECFC but at no direct cost to yourself.
Collect all your empty Aluminium drinks cans and drop them off at SJP in one of the two collecting cages situated in, Red Square by the Information hut or, by the Stadium Way turnstiles. 
If you could also get your friends and families to collect as well, then the amount we can use to benefit ECFC will increase proportionally. If you look around you when you're out for a walk you'll be amazed at the number of aluminium can just dropped in the street or, dumped in the countryside.
A simple method to check whether a can is Aluminium or not, which 99% of drinks cans are these days, is to take a fridge magnet and, if it sticks to the can, then it's steel and should be put into your local recycling scheme. But if it doesn't stick then it's Aluminium and just what we want.
Please bag up your Aluminium cans and drop them off at SJP at any time, if you can crush them then they take up less space and you can get even more into a supermarket carrier bag.
So far Cans for City has made a donation towards the building and planting of The Memorial Garden, purchased the wooden bench for The Memorial Garden & funded one of the Returning Soldier Silhouettes that are in place at SJP.
We are always on the lookout for small projects to fund, anything between £200 - £300, that fall outside of normal club funded projects. 
This is a 'Win/Win' situation, ECFC benefits from the extra monies generated, and the Environment benefits from recycling something which then doesn't just get dumped.
So please support this 'at no cost' scheme to help ECFC in these times of uncertainty.