💬 Nick Saunders: "The rewards are massive for all fans with disabilities and this keeps you going as you know you're doing good."

Last week was Volunteers' Week, an annual celebration of the contribution millions of people make across the UK through volunteering.

Level Playing Field, who work alongside hundreds of Disabled Supporters Association members who volunteer their time to support and advocate for tens of thousands of sport loving disabled supporters, took the opportunity to speak to Exeter City Disabled Supporters Association's chair Nick Saunders to tell his story of why he gives up so much of his time and dedication to supporting DSAs.

Nick said: "The Exeter City Disabled Supporters Association is important to me as it gives the club's fans with disabilities 'A Voice to be Heard'. Working with like-minded fans, making friends in the process, and helping your club to improve accessible facilities or change club policy or mindset.

"It's very satisfying and rewarding working with others and makes you feel part of something but don't get me wrong, it can get very hard at times and you may feel like giving up at first, especially when people don't know who you are. However, if you take things one step at a time and keep calm and keep at it and don't expect things to happen or done straight away, you'll get there in the end and you will see change.

"Once you get that mutual understanding with those you're working with or at your club the rewards are massive for all fans with disabilities and this keeps you going as you know you're doing good and not just for yourself but for others. Never give up trying.

"If your club has a DSA and you can't find details on them just contact your club directly and if there is one they should be able to give you their details or start by doing an internet search as quite a few DSAs have their own website or even Facebook page.

"Their website could be very informative, and you can see what they have been up to and what projects they have undertaken for your club and find out how you can get involved.
You won't regret it."

If you would like to know more about Exeter City DSA Please email: ecfcdsa@gmail.comor visit: http://ecfcdsa.co.uk