🎨 The winners of the great big Junior Grecians colouring in challenge...

A huge THANK YOU to all the young Grecians that took the time to enter the Junior Grecians great big colouring in challenge!

We had over 40 incredible entries from all ages from 4-years-old up to 14-years-old and to pick the top three we enlisted City captain Jake Taylor and his daughter Luna.

First Prize

The overall winner of the competition is Jake Babajews, who is 14-years-old and sent in this amazingly detailed version of St James Park. Jake was very impressed by the entry and desribed Jake as 'A young Picasso in the making'. 

Jake Babajews 14 email.jpeg

Jake has won first prize, which is an 18-month Junior Grecians membership and a goody bag with match tickets, a scarf and more, we will be contacting Jake to arrange.

Second Prize

In second place is Macey Wellington's super version of Grecian and Lexi the Lion. Macey is eight-years-old and has done a very neat and colourful version of everyones favourite mischevious lions!

Macey wins an 18-month Junior Grecians membership and will be contacted to arrange.

Macey Wellington, 8 email.jpg

Third Prize

Our final prize winner is 4-year-old Elijah Eveleigh, who was picked by Luna Taylor as she loved the bright colours and the fact that Elijah was proudly modelling the design.

Elijah wins an 18-month Junior Grecians membership and will be contacted to arrange.

Elijah Eveleigh 4 email.jpeg

Check out all the entries

Take a look below at all the fantastic entries that came in for the competiton!

Isaac Cox - Aged 6

 Isaac Cox, 6 Email.jpeg

Isaac Major - Aged 12

 Isaac Major 12 email.jpeg

Aaron Carter - Aged 10

Aaron Carter 10 email.jpeg

Alfie Warren - Aged 5

Alfie Warren 5, email.jpeg

Archie White - Aged 8

Archie White, 8 email.jpeg

Arthur Brown - Aged 5 

     Arthur Brown 5 email 2.jpeg      Arthur Brown 5 email.jpeg

Arthur Fox 

         Arthur Fox email 2.JPG  Arthur Fox email.JPG

Austin Baxter

Austin Bater - Email.png

Bobby Roby - Aged 6

Bobby Roby 6 email.jpeg

Elijah Porter - Aged 6

Elijah Porter Aged 6 email.jpeg

Genevive Cox

Genevieve Cox email.jpeg

George Brown - Age 7

George Brown  7 email 2.jpeg George Brown 7 email.jpeg

Georgianna Cottrell 

Georgianan Cottrell 9 Facebook.jpg

Harry Gozna - Aged 11

Harry Gozna, age 11  Email.jpg

Harvey Warren - Aged 10

Harvey Warren, 10 email.jpeg

Jack Bullock

Jack Bullock email.jpeg Jack Bullock emial.jpeg

Jacob Arnold - Aged 6

Jacob Arnold 6 email2.jpeg

Jacob Brown - Aged 9

Jacob Brown 9 Facebook 2.jpg

Jacob Carter - Aged 7

Jacob Carter 7 email.jpeg

Jake Baxter - Aged 11

Jake Baxter 11 email.jpg

Leo Troop - Aged 7

Leo Troop 7 email 2.jpeg

Liam Bean - Aged 10

Liam Bean age 10 facebook (Stamp).jpg

Luke carter - Aged 6

Luke Carter - 6 email.jpg

Macey Wellington - Aged 8

Macey Wellington, 8 email.jpg

Madison Eveleigh - Aged 9 

Madison eveleigh 9 email.jpeg

Max Crowe - Aged 9 

Max Crowe 9 email.jpeg

Max Roby - Aged 8 

Max Roby 8 email.jpeg

Oliver Brown - Aged 5

Oliver Brown 5 Facebook.jpg

Oliver Murdoch - Aged 9 

Oliver Murdoch 9 - email 2.jpeg Oliver Murdoch 9 email 1.jpeg

Olivia Jacques-Cox - Aged 10

Olivia Jacques-Cox,10 Email.jpeg

Ollie Besley 

Ollie Besley - email 1.jpeg Ollie Besley - email 2.jpeg

Ollie Gozna - Aged 9

Ollie Gozna aged 9 email.jpeg


Quique email.jpg

Rory Bater 

Rory Bater email.png

Sienna-may Eveleigh - Age 6

sienna-may eveleigh 6.jpeg

Zoe Troop - Age 10

Zoe Troop, 10 email 2.jpeg