📝 No to Pyro ❌

Following an incident when a flare was thrown onto the pitch during a recent match at St James Park, an Oxford supporter has been arrested and faces a criminal record, as well as a lengthy ban from football.

The incident was captured on CCTV and at Exeter City Football Club we worked with Oxford United to identify the person responsible. Thank you to Oxford United for their swift action in relation to this.

Can we remind all fans of the following: Do not bring any pyro, whether that is a smoke bomb, flare or firework to a match. If you are caught with any of these banned items you will face arrest, investigation, a stadium ban and a criminal record.

We will not hesitate in identifying perpetrators and passing details to the police. The sentence for these offences can be as much as three months in prison, and in many cases, fans who have no previous convictions are being given prison sentences for attempting to enter a football ground whilst in possession of a pyrotechnic. There is also an impact for your club, with clubs facing sanctions, such as fines and reduced capacities.

We know this is a very small minority of fans. Help us stamp out bad behaviour, text HelpECFC to 62277.