💬 Ryan Trevitt on City's loss to Port Vale

Ryan Trevitt gave his reaction to City's loss against Port Vale at SJP.

Trevitt created some opportunities and had other opportunities of his own but on an afternoon when nothing was going City's way, the team was unable to capitalise.

"It may seem repetitive at the moment but I feel like we're doing a lot of things well. Obviously, the results aren't coming and I feel a lot of things aren't going our way but we can't rely on that [changing] so we need to keep our heads up and keep going" explained Trevitt.

"Very frustrated, we apologise to the fans again for another loss. We're looking to put it right and that's what everyone's saying in the changing room."

When asked if there is a confidence issue, "I wouldn't say anything stands out, maybe there is a confidence issue but we just can't put the ball in the net at the moment. Maybe it's the timing or little things like that but I think once we get a goal and we get a bit of momentum I'm sure goals will be flying in."

Hear more from Ryan ⬇️